Composite Resin Crowns

What is a Composite Resin Crown?

A composite resin crown is a tooth-colored covering which wraps around the entire crown of a front tooth, making it look like a healthy tooth again. The term “composite resin” refers to the material that is used: a combination of plastic-type materials that form a strong and durable surface.

Why use a Composite Resin Crown?

A composite resin crown is used to repair front teeth that have been damaged by decay, malformation, discoloration or injury. Because the tooth-colored material wraps around the entire tooth surface it is much stronger and longer lasting than normal fillings which only cover part of a tooth.

What else do I need to know?

Composite resin crowns are color matched to the other teeth in the mouth and look like a real tooth. Composite resin crowns can be performed on primary and permanent teeth. When a composite resin crown is performed on a primary tooth, in most cases it will stay in place until the tooth falls out naturally.

Please consult Dr. Kaur if your child has damaged front teeth by decay, malformation, discoloration or injury. Call 703-743-2324 for an appointment and visit us at Gainesville Dental Arts in Gainesville.

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