Digital X-Ray

The digital radiograph x-ray at our Gainesville Dental Arts offers superior resolution with less radiation exposure and is an excellent new way to help diagnose possible oral problems. The digital radiograph not only emits significantly less amount of radiation associated with traditional x-rays, but is also much less time consuming.

Gainesville Dental Arts Dental X-Ray

Using a sensor that is placed in your mouth in the correct position, the pictures are taken and immediately sent to our computer. We can then review the information with you right from the computer screen.

Benefits of Digital X-Rays

  • Exposes the patient to half the amount of radiation received from traditional X-rays.
  • Gray-scale resolution of 256 colors compared to 16 – 25 shades on conventional film, allowing for a more detailed, accurate analysis.
  • Immediately transfers images to monitor so that the dentist can review and explain the information to the patient.
  • Images can be enlarged for better visualization.
  • Images can be saved for future reference.
  • Offers the ability to compare your X-rays with one another digitally on our computer
  • No time spent on developing X-rays means more time to take care of your dental treatment.

Why are Digital X-Rays Important

  • To locate areas of decay that can’t be detected with a visual examination.
  • To detect periodontal disease by investigating possible bone loss.
  • To aid in the preparation and placement of dental implants, orthodontics and other dental work.
  • To locate possible abnormalities such as cysts and oral cancer.

For more information on this exciting new technology or to schedule an appointment with us at Gainesville Dental Arts please call 703-743-2324 or request an appointment.

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